The ChickPeace Bowl

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Quick & easy peace bowl

Clean eating in a quick and easy way for lunch or dinner.

This Morroccan-inspired bowl of goodness can change depending on what’s in your fridge. Plus combining proteins on a plant based diet.

This is a recipe that changes every time I make it. It’s called ‘open the fridge door, open the cupboard door and create’!
I break it down like this:

  1. Protein.
    Find some cooked brown rice or quinoa in the fridge and complement it with a legume for the protein combo. How should you put your plant-based proteins together? See the nourished fact below.

  2. Greens!
    You can never have enough. Spinach for iron. Arugula is bitter and great for its nutty flavour and fibre load

  3. Colour.
    Tomatoes, peppers, radishes. What fresh raw veggies can you add to the mix.

  4. Healthy fats.
    This can be in your dressing. I’ve added some avocado for the nutrients and a bit more fibre.

Ingredients & Directions

½ cup cooked brown rice
1 cup greens - raw
½ cup tomatoes chopped
½ cup ‘Chickpeas in a Pan
3 tbsp Morroccan-Inspired Dressing

Chickpeas in a Pan

1 x 398 ml can of chickpeas
Handful frozen kale or spinach
1 tsp turmeric
½ tsp black pepper
½ tsp cumin
½ tsp chili powder
½ tsp garam masala
1 tbsp water 

Toss all ingredients in a frying pan and simmer on low-medium heat for 10 minutes until the chickpeas are soft and all frozen veggies are thoroughly cooked.

Morroccan-Inspired Dressing
Juice from a 1 small orange
Juice from ½ lime
1 tsp maple syrup
1 tbsp olive oil1 tsp garam masala spice
1 tsp freshly grated ginger
salt & pepper to taste

Add all ingredients to a blender and blend quickly until the dressing becomes frothy.


Add all ingredients to a bowl, add cooled chickpea mix and top with dressing. Toss everything together to ensure the flavours are soaked in.


The biggest question on the mind of those switching a plant-based diet almost always revolves around protein. Yes, protein is completely possible on a plant-based diet. 

Some of you may be wondering why you hear about eating your favourite legume with a whole grain.

Why should you mix whole grains with proteins?

Studies have shown that there is a synergistic effect when coupling beans with whole grains. Not only do you get the range of amino acids, the increased dietary fibre, but the effects of combining the two ingredients may actually help to lower your blood sugar. 

Back to the protein part again, the amino acids make up protein and our bodies need various combinations to carry out the processes in our bodies for necessary life. SInce we can synthesize some already in our body (yes, even vegans can do this) there are a few that are termed “essential amino acids” that we need to get from our diet.Consuming beans and whole grains together is a complementary approach that adds these essential amino acids together in one  meal. Splitting up the proteins throughout the day will still provide you with the same amino acids.

Here’s a few combo ideas:

  • Black Beans and brown rice

  • Whole wheat pasta and peas

  • Lentils and almond with rice

  • Peanut butter on whole wheat toast

  • Hummus and quinoa crackers

Krissy Solic

Krissy Solic, BSc, CAIN-RHNP™️

As a Holistic Nutritionist and Botanist, I love plants. To study them, grow them, and eat them! I help others to manage their stress and recover from burnout thanks to the power of a plant-based diet. That’s right, eating plants can help heal and create the foundation for a healthy lifestyle, forever.

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