Let’s spill the tea.

I’m pouring a delicious cup of tea for you and me. Let’s chat.

Work with me

One-on-One Programs


3 mo | $1200 $900

What are your biggest challenges? In this package, we establish your #1 goal and build your blueprint to help you meet it.

  • 7 Appointments:

    Discovery Call (30 min)

    A phone/video call to check-in and understand your #1 goal and if we’re a good fit.

    Initial Appointment (60 min)

    Phone/Video/In-person meeting to get to know each other, do a deep dive, unravel your blueprint to help you reach your goal. This is where the work begins!

    Follow-ups x 5 (45 min each)

    Your blueprint will guide us in your health journey. Save this time to keep on track and don’t worry, I’ll help you along the way. This is also our chance to revise the blueprint and hop over the hurdles head-on.

  • Blueprint

    Your plan in print. This includes your goal, recommendations on how we’ll get you there and things we should avoid. Educational information too!

    Supplement recommendations

    Recommendations on supplements (plus a discount!) specific to your needs.

    Food & Mood Journal*

    Let’s track your success with a journal, what you’re eating, how you’re feeling, your mood, meditation minutes and hormonal changes.

    Success Plan

    When we reach our final goal post, we’ll come up with your unique success plan to keep you on track.

    Unlimited Text Support

    Have a question? Send me a DM, I’ll answer as soon as. I can. Let me sift through the noise, research and the bunk.

    Weekly Motivational Support

    A gentle whisper or a super loud scream on your phone. Mondays are for motivating.

    Apple Watch Sync*

    Sync your Apple Watch with Practice Better and we can track your heart rate variability, VO2, fitness, sleep, mindfulness and more!

    *Add-ons are at an additional fee

  • Valued at over $1200, this 3-month package is yours for just $900.

    SAVE $300

    Messaging during office hours and discount on FullScript supplements.

    Add-on the journal review and Apple Watch sync tracking for $25/month and to be discussed at follow-ups.


6 mo | $2400 $1700

In 6 months, we’ll have you thriving again. This is for you if you’re struggling with nutrition habits and stress.

  • 10 Appointments:

    Discovery Call (30 min)

    A phone/video call to check-in and understand your #1 goal and if we’re a good fit.

    Initial Appointment (60 min)

    Phone/Video/In-person meeting to get to know each other, do a deep dive, unravel your blueprint to help you reach your goal. This is where the work begins!

    Follow-ups x 8 (45 min each)

    Your blueprint will guide us in your health journey. Time to keep you on track and I’ll help you along the way. At the 3-month mark, we’ll revisit your blueprint and add a second goal, if you’ve met your first.

  • Blueprint

    Your plan in print. This includes your goal, recommendations on how we’ll get you there and things we should avoid. This plan includes a 3-month check-in to revisit your goals and add a goal if you’ve met your first. Educational information too!

    Supplement recommendations

    Recommendations on supplements (plus a discount!) specific to your needs.

    Food & Mood Journal*

    Let’s track your success with a journal, what you’re eating, how you’re feeling, your mood, meditation minutes and hormonal changes.

    Success Plan

    When we reach our final goal post, we’ll come up with your unique success plan to keep you on track.

    Unlimited Text Support

    Have a question? Send me a DM, I’ll answer as soon as. I can. Let me sift through the noise, research and the bunk.

    Weekly Motivational Support

    A gentle whisper or a super loud scream on your phone. Mondays are for motivating.

    Apple Watch Sync*

    Sync your Apple Watch with Practice Better and we can track your heart rate variability, VO2, fitness, sleep, mindfulness and more!

    *Add-ons are at an additional fee

  • Valued at over $2400, this 6-month package is yours for just $1700.

    SAVE $700

    Messaging during office hours and discount on FullScript supplements.

    Add-on the journal review and Apple Watch sync tracking for $25/month and to be discussed at follow-ups.


12 mo | $4800 $3200

A full year to change your life for the better. This personalized program is designed to tackle burnout, establish healthy habits, develop a heart-focused mindset and more.

  • 14 Appointments:

    Discovery Call (30 min)

    A phone/video call to check-in and understand your #1 goal and if we’re a good fit.

    Initial Appointment (60 min)

    Phone/Video/In-person meeting to get to know each other, do a deep dive, unravel your blueprint to help you reach your goal. This is where the work begins!

    Follow-ups x 12 (45 min each)

    Your blueprint will guide us in your health journey. Time to keep you on track and I’ll help you along the way. At the 3-month and 6-month marks, we’ll revisit your blueprint and add additional goals, if you’ve met your first.

  • Blueprint

    Your plan in print. This includes your goal, recommendations on how we’ll get you there and things we should avoid. This plan includes a 3-month & a 6-month check-in to revisit your goals and add new goals if you’ve met your first. Educational information too!

    Supplement recommendations

    Recommendations on supplements (plus a discount!) specific to your needs. We revisit every quarter, and as needed.

    Food & Mood Journal

    Let’s track your success with a journal, what you’re eating, how you’re feeling, your mood, meditation minutes and hormonal changes. Your plan includes optional monthly journal reviews.

    Success Plan

    When we reach our final goal post, at the end of the year, we’ll come up with your unique success plan to keep you on track.

    Unlimited Text Support

    Have a question? Send me a DM, I’ll answer as soon as. I can. Let me sift through the noise, research and the bunk.

    Weekly Motivational Support

    A gentle whisper or a super loud scream on your phone. Mondays are for motivating.

    Apple Watch Sync - optional

    Sync your Apple Watch with Practice Better and we can track your heart rate variability, VO2, fitness, sleep, mindfulness and more!

  • Valued at over $4800, this 12-month package is yours for just $3200.

    SAVE $1600

    Includes a discount on FullScript supplements, and future programs.

Open Clinic

I believe that nutrition and health should be accessible to all and not everyone has access to workplace benefits.

Every 4th Tuesday of the month, I host an open clinic. Choose your private 30 minute slot to have your questions answered.

To make nutrition and wellness accessible, this is a pay-what-you-can service.

Click below to book your consultation today.

Corporate Wellness

Looking to become a top employer and health-promoter in your industry?
Better health equals better business.

Book a complimentary consultation today to learn more about how I can help your organization.

Today’s workplace wellness challenges are new to all of us.

Remote work has been isolating, and difficult for those managing a household, family, and work. Mental health has suffered for so many and those dealing with compromised immunity have increasingly more to worry about as they return to the office.

Looking after your most precious resource in business is more than compassionate, it’s smart and critical.

Top employers offering their employees increased access to healthcare in a variety of ways not only improves accessibility options, but can help increase engagement, prevent chronic illness, and improve work/life balance.

Battle Burnout

on-demand webinar | FREE

In this session, you’ll walk away feeling ready to tackle nourishment for your body, mind & soul. Unlock the secrets to building resilience in your stressed-out life. Develop new healthy habits to nourish, and challenge your mindset to reach new levels.

Bloom Group Program

4 wk | $444 — coming soon 2024

In 4 weeks, you’ll learn:

  • how brain & gut communication works

  • more on the gut microbiome

  • connecting your brain to your heart space

  • how to manage more than just hot flashes in (peri-) menopause

You’ll be a Cool Cucumber at the end of the 4 weeks.

Manage Stress &
Battle Burnout

6 mo | $4444

This essential mastermind is for VIPs, where you’ll have my undivided attention in an intimate group as we dive deep into weekly practices to unlock the secret to becoming empowered & nourished to master stress.

It’s a big mastermind that requires mega-commitment of your energy & time. Come ready for a huge transformation. You will graduate from this MASTERMIND as a CALM-certified SUPERSTAR.

Ready-to-go programs

Need the program but not the coaching? Grab one of our ready-to-go programs or meal plans. Follow along at your own pace. Be sure to tell us how successful you were!

Want a “taste-test”?

Sometimes, we all need a little “taste test” to make sure it feels right.

Sign up for the Nourished Bites newsletter and you’ll have exclusive access to promotions, offers, discounts and even giveaways!

When you’re ready, book your free strategy call to chat about your health goals.

And be sure to check in to catch one of the FREE Masterclasses!

Existing clients


If you’re an existing client and you need to check in or reset your goals, book your 45 minute follow-up.


Looking to refill your supplements with FullScript? Click here, log in and follow your recommendation.



Can I just book a ‘follow-up appointment’ to get started?

If you have a particular goal in mind, let’s talk first to see what we can do. My goal is to get you reaching your goals, so that means I need to learn more about what’s been going on with you - holistically.

Skipping the initial appointment can lead to disappointment for you down the road. Once we’ve chatted, we build a roadmap of a plan specifically for you. There are options for monthly payments and a la carte services.

If your goal plan is ready and waiting, let’s help you get to healthy.

What about COVID-19?

Your health is very mportant to me and to your loved ones. We will never compromise that. Since the internet is embraced as the way to communicate in our modern world, we can discuss meeting virtually via video call, the phone, or FaceTime.

**Starting September 2022: In person appointments available in the west GTA or at my home office in Burlington.

How many appointments should I have?

Well, it all depends on what we’re working towards. For some people, two to three follow-ups is enough to get them on their way to reaching their goals. For others, this may take 12 weeks or even a year to keep accountable to themselves. Checking in is the best way. When we have our clarity call at the beginning of our partnership, we can determine when and what will work best for you.

Pricing out a package for you might mean a bigger financial commitment at first, but it will mean savings for you in the long run.

I don’t see a package that suits my needs.

That’s okay. Everyone is different and I want you to get what you need from our partnership. Working together can mean different things to different people. Not everyone loves to spend time in the kitchen, not everyone can stick to a meal plan. I love that honesty and we can design your wellness blueprint to suit you!

Book your clarity call to find out how I can help you.

Can you help me lose weight?

If you’re after a quick fix, I won’t be the first (or the last) to tell you that there’s no such thing. There’s some great weight loss coaches out there. Unfortunately, I’m not here for that. I’m here to help you focus on a sustainable healthier lifestyle and creating a transition to plant-rich nutrition for your body, mind and soul. For some, weight loss happens with a plant-based diet as a happy side effect - which may or may not be part of your goal.

The last thing I want for anyone is disordered eating and yo-yo dieting. I am here to help you build a sustainable plan and lifestyle that you can stick with.

Not sure where to start?

Let me help you find out what works best. In a quick (and did I mention it’s FREE?) CLARITY CALL, we can decide what works best for YOU.