Strawberry Vanilla Blondies

(Vegan & Gluten Free)

If you’re craving a sweet treat that's vegan, gluten-free, and bursting with flavour — then, these incredible Strawberry Vanilla Blondie Bars are just the snack! This recipe combines the rich decadence of blondies with juicy strawberries and a protein punch,making it a perfect sweet indulgence.

A recipe that is both vegan & gluten-free caters to most dietary patterns without sacrificing taste!

Keep your energy levels up with a satisfying protein boost. This recipe is packed with protein thanks to a scoop of protein powder.

Loaded with fresh, juicy strawberries to deliver a burst of flavour in every bite.

Indulge in the chewy and delightful texture of these blondies.

If you want to know how to make an ooey gooey chewy blondie, make sure you have enough sugar. If you want to make them even creamier, add in vegan white chocolate chunks. I added vegan cream cheese to this recipe and next time, I’d add more. When the jam and the cream cheese meet on the crispy top of the blondie crust, the flavour is beyond divine!

Fresh, juicy strawberries deliver a burst of flavor in every bite and are a great source of Vitamin C and antioxidants, which can help boost your immune system and protect your cells from damage.

This recipe is surprisingly easy requires minimal prep work. The blondies are packed with fresh strawberries providing a delightful sweetness and touch of tartness.

Ingredients & Directions

Estimated time: 35 minutes

Effort/skill: Easy

Servings: 10-12

Preheat oven: 350F


  • 1/3 cup Just Egg (or 2-3 chia eggs)

  • 1/3 cup tahini

  • 1/2 cup brown sugar

  • 1 tsp vanilla extract

  • 1 scoop vanilla protein powder

  • 1 & 1/4 cups of gluten-free flour (Bob’s RedMill 1:1)

  • 1 tbsp baking powder

  • 1/4 tsp salt

  • 1 tsp cinnamon

  • 1/2 cup lightly-mashed strawberries (extra ripe work best, or thaw frozen strawberries and mash with a fork)

  • 2 tbsp vegan cream cheese (I like the President’s Choice brand)

  • 2 tbsp berry jam (I used Crofter’s due to its low sugar)

  • 1 & 1/2 cups strawberries, sliced

  • 1 tsp vegan butter or coconut oil to grease the pan.


  1. Preheat the oven to 350F.

  2. In a small bowl mash the strawberries and set aside.

  3. If you are using a chia or flax “egg”, prepare that now (2 tbsp ground flax or chia seeds plus 6 tbsp warm water) until a thick gel forms.

  4. In a medium-sized bowl, add the “egg” mixture or egg substitute, add the sugar, tahini, vanilla and mix well. Next add the mashed strawberries.

  5. Add the flour, protein powder, salt, baking powder, and cinnamon — premix this dry mixture or stir with a fork before folding in with the creamy mixture.

  6. Mix well with a spoon.

  7. Grease and flour a 8” square pan or 9” shallow round pan. If you prefer to parchment line your pan, ensure the edges are trimmed to avoid fire.

  8. In the bottom of the greased (or parchment-lined) pan add half of the strawberries flat side down.

  9. Add the batter next and top with cream cheese, jam, and white chocolate. Swirl with a knife.

  10. Top with the remaining strawberries n top. S

  11. Place in the oven and bake for 20-25 minutes. Once the blodies are firm, but gooey inside, remove from oven. Let cool and enjoy.


I recommend using a sweetened protein powder, such as SunWarrior Warrior Blend Organics (check it out here).

To get a chewy white blondie, substitute white sugar for brown. Be sure to add more tahini or coconut oil to offset the moisture from the brown sugar.

It’s optional to add a strawberry glaze on top: 1 tbsp strawberry puree, 1 cup powdered sugar, 1 tsp lemon juice. Mix well and top when the blondies have cooled.

Krissy Solic

Krissy Solic, BSc, CAIN-RHNP™️

As a Holistic Nutritionist and Botanist, I love plants. To study them, grow them, and eat them! I help others to manage their stress and recover from burnout thanks to the power of a plant-based diet. That’s right, eating plants can help heal and create the foundation for a healthy lifestyle, forever.

Vegan Beer Bread


Amaretto Tahini Chocolate Chip Cookies (Vegan & Gluten-Free)