How to make your resolution stick

Here’s how to make that new year’s habit stick through embracing the power of holistic nutrition.

how to keep your one habit alive

Are you building a foundation of well-being through mindful choices and healthy habits? If you’re tackling a behaviour change or goal-setting, you’ll want the neuroscience-backed evidence of how goal setting and behaviour change can work for a healthier you.

how to keep your new habit alive: 1. set one goal.

1️⃣ ONE GOAL 🥅 Pour your attention and focus onto this one thing you want to improve. Once you’ve set your habit wheels in motion, stack on another good healthy habit.

👉🏼 EXAMPLE: I wanted to remember to take my vitamins daily. I used a habit tracker to keep track for 8 weeks, and noticed I’ve been consistent. Now, I’m stacking on a journaling habit with those vitamins I do this after I take the vitamins and I have a routine of healthy habits.

how to keep your habit alive: 2. baby steps

2️⃣ BABY STEPS 👟 We all like to bite off more than we can chew. But sometimes this just creates overwhelm. Besides, small steps are still steps.

👉🏼 So keep going and be sure to celebrate 🎉these steps. Pat yourself on the back 💕. A small step can be the beginning to a big result.

📝 TAKE NOTE: If you’re navigating a new enriching vegan lifestyle, or holistic well-being, small steps are important.

how to keep your habit alive: 3 go easy

3️⃣ GO EASY 😌 I’m the biggest rule-breaker here, so I posted this on my wall. Missing a workout is not the end of the world. Opting for some leftover holiday treats after dinner is not the worst thing you’re going to do in life (and if it is, good on you). Progress over perfection.

You may find this one to be hard, because you make choices that will benefit others as well as yourself. If you’re cultivating an environmental mindset through your sustainable vegan nutrition choices and you slip up, you may feel as though you’ve failed the planet. This isn’t true. You’re doing your part! And if we all put in as much as work as you, the world would be a better place. Instead, be sure to share with your network the eco-friendly practices and choices you’ve been making. You’ll feel better about yourself and how you’ve made an impact on your life and the livelihood of others.

👉🏼 TOP TIP: The next time you find yourself getting hard on yourself, think about your childhood self. Can you give that child the love they deserve? Hmmm…I think you can do the same for yourself today.

how to keep your habit alive: self-talk

4️⃣ TALK SWEETLY 🍭 The biggest lesson I’ve ever learned in life, is to talk to my younger self nicer. No one really ever teaches us how to love ourselves, so it’s a WIP.

Sometimes, this rhetoric can be a gut problem. It’s true. It’s been a passion of mine to explore and study the profound impact of the gut-brain connection on mental and physical health. This is an over-simplification, but if your behaviour has shifted lately, could it be something you’ve been eating or not eating?


👉🏼 TRY THIS: Look in the mirror and say “I love you [your name]”. The next time you look in the mirror, say “I love you [name], I really, really love you”. Keep at this until you begin to believe in your words. 🥰

how to keep your habit alive: 5. shake it up

5️⃣ SHAKE IT UP 🎡 Spin the wheel and add some variety to your goal.

👉🏼 EAT THIS: Balancing weight loss goals with holistic wellness practices can result in long-lasting rewards. Forget restrictions and add in variety. Make a salad inspired by another culture. Do your homework and incorporate their herbs, spices, ingredients and seasonings. Veganize it if you need to and unlock a new world through your tastebuds.

how to keep your new habit alive: 6 prioritize

6️⃣ PRIORITIZE 🏆 If you’re trying to emerge from something you don’t feel great about, then be responsible for your own priorities. It’s harsh, I know. But if you’re after weight loss at the beginning of the year, joining a gym is great, but 80% of weight loss comes from what you eat/don’t eat. Look at how you’ve structured your life around your goal. Do you need the gym or help with your eating habits?

Have you truly aligned with that one goal in order to succeed?

📆 I can help you transform your life through best understanding your gut-brain connection and guiding you on a plant-based nutrition path.

Book your FREE strategy call today

follow me on instagram @thenourishedwillow @nourishedwillow

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Krissy Solic

Krissy Solic, BSc, CAIN-RHNP™️

As a Holistic Nutritionist and Botanist, I love plants. To study them, grow them, and eat them! I help others to manage their stress and recover from burnout thanks to the power of a plant-based diet. That’s right, eating plants can help heal and create the foundation for a healthy lifestyle, forever.

How your gut can shape your motivation


Winter Solstice