Are you thinking too much about what others are thinking about you thinking…?
🐝 Is your mind abuzz with what you think other people opine of you? Are you spending all of your time thinking about what other people think of you?
All of your energy being spent on them - their thoughts, as if they're spending all of THEIR time thinking about every move you make. You’re now guided by what you think they’re thinking about when it comes to what you’re wearing, looking like, and what you're up to.
But the thing is…
They aren't. They simply aren't.
They're thinking of themselves. We all are. A world filled with people worrying about themselves.
🚓 So break free of the prison you've built for yourself. Letting go will be the most freeing moment from those prison walls. And when you begin to build the walls back up again. Take them down. Brick by brick.