7 Easy & Nourishing Ways to Get to Sleep
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7 Easy & Nourishing Ways to Get to Sleep

People aren’t getting to sleep, or feeling well-rested. Sleep is one of the first things I discuss with my clients. Quantity and quality of sleep is not only about feeling good the next morning, research also indicates that it can help prevent chronic illness or disease when optimal.

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Is it Burnout?
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Is it Burnout?

Is it burnout? What is going on? Your stomach is in knots. You’re exhausted. But wait, there’s no stress today. Is there? Or could this be the lingering effects of stress from years ago? Take the quiz, get real and tackle stress before it takes a turn.

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Managing Stress (Part 4): Calcium

Managing Stress (Part 4): Calcium

This mineral is our body’s most abundant and when you think of calcium, you might think of your teeth and bones. And you’d be right. We store our calcium in our teeth and bones. Calcium is where we get the structure in our bones. But what does it have to do with stress?

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Managing Stress (Part 2): Vitamin B6

Managing Stress (Part 2): Vitamin B6

Did you know that vitamin B6 is involved in more functions in the body than almost any other nutrient, including helping to make you feel sleepy? To learn more about how vitamin B6 works with other B vitamins and minerals, such as magnesium, to alleviate stress, read more…

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Self-Care Takes a Village
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Self-Care Takes a Village

Looking after yourself includes you putting on your own oxygen mask first. It also includes a plan and a team. Self care is critical, and so is surrounding yourself with a community of loving caring people.

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