Welcome to Myco Universe
BLOG Krissy Solic BLOG Krissy Solic

Welcome to Myco Universe

While mushrooms may not fall under the category of plant-based foods, they possess a remarkable nutritional profile that makes them a force to be reckoned with in the realm of nutrition.

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How going vegan can save the planet
BLOG Krissy Solic BLOG Krissy Solic

How going vegan can save the planet

What one thing you can change in your life to save the planet? GO VEGAN! 🌱

It’s the “single biggest way” to reduce your carbon footprint. So, how does going vegan save our earth?

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The Fab Five
BLOG Krissy Solic BLOG Krissy Solic

The Fab Five

If you had to pick five whole foods, which would you pick and why? Here's my list with all the nutritious and nourishing reasons why you should add to your plate. Plus, I've included recipes for each ingredient.

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