plant-based for animal-based
Looking to add more plants into your current nutrition plan, but not sure where to begin? I’m dedicating this page to Y-O-U! ❤️
If you’re looking to replace meat, eggs or dairy this is your home to healhty and nutritiously beneficial ways to add in more of the good and less animal products.
The Vegan Egg Swap Guide
that you didn’t see coming, but you’re so glad you found it and now you can’t wait to get to creating egg-less meals every day of the week!
Join the egg-free revolution. Trust me when I say, going vegan without scrambled eggs felt like I was depriving my soul of my favourite comfort food. But, I could no longer eat eggs with a clear conscience, thanks to factory farming, my cholesterol levels, and my family’s love for chickens! 🐓
This guide is designed to help you decide which egg replacement to use where, how the nutritional benefits of egg alternatives add up, and why you shouldn’t worry about getting enough protein. 🌱