Ready to feel
healthy & nourished?

Happy belly, Happy mind

Hi Lovely!

Are you feeling tired? Or tired of feeling bloated, exhausted, and foggy in the brain? Are you over-thinking? Over-working? Over-doing everything?

First of all, I hear ya!

As a Registered Holistic Nutrition Practitioner ™️ (CAIN-RHNP™️) I help stressed-out women (like you) nourish their bellies & brains - your whole self: body, mind and soul.

I’m the founder of Nourished Willow and I take a plant-based approach to nutrition, healing your gut, brain and your heart space too!

Hey lovely,

I’m Krissy

I stand behind plant-based holistic nutrition, guiding you through a self-empowerment experience towards a happy belly and a happy mind.

You may be living with the consequences of intestinal impermeability (aka leaky gut), a disrupted gut microbiome, or gut dysbiosis.


You may be living with the effects of chronic stress which lead you to a leaky gut, and that’s when the wild party in your belly, body, & brain.

Both will have your belly, brain, and spirit feeling broken and terrible.

The fact of the matter is your gut-brain axis is a communication highway, and it doesn’t matter which way the messages are flowing, they’re still cryptic & jumbled.

What matters is restoring your gut & your brain!

I can help you recover from this mess and have you well on your way to healing your belly and your brain.

Does this sound like you?

bloated | gassy

rashes | breakouts

constipation | diarrhea

brain fog | confusion | ADHD

anxiety | depression

retaining water | swollen

weight gain, but eating next to nothing?

exhausted emotionally, mentally, and physically?

mistrust in your body?


The first step is the hardest and you’ve already taken it !

because you’ve found your way here

We’ll work together to have your belly soothed & your mind finally at ease.

Psst, I’ve been you & want to make it easy for you!

We’ll build your new life, and you can welcome your whole-self back home.

Mind-Nourishing Nutrition

What’s for dinner

Check out our recipes to see what’s on the menu.

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are you ready to have smiles for miles?

The world is increasingly stress-filled and while we can never eliminate stress, there are ways to deal with it so illness doesn’t settle in.

If you feel as though burnout might be a real issue, take this quick survey to see where you stand.

Whole food, plant-based nutrition has a strong potential to improve your mental, physical and spiritual health PLUS help heal the planet & save ka-zillions of animals.

As a Holistic Nutritionist, I work with you beyond just the food you eat. Together, we explore your world, your story. We tackle everything: what you eat, how you fill your days, and what’s spilling over in your mind - a holistic approach - body, mind, and spirit - to have you living your FULLEST, most NOURISHED life and feeling utterly AMAZING.

We connect your gut to your brain, your brain to your heart, and your heart with the world around you.

Book your FREE 30 min strategy call today if you’re ready to:

  • eat clean & well

  • thrive as a stress-buster

  • embark on a new lifestyle

  • make easy-peasy changes